The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Stress


The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Stress


You are to write a 6-8 page paper in which you create a research question based on your topic of interest, but also related to the disciplines within the behavioral sciences.
In this paper, you are to create a research question and explain what specific type of research method you would use if you were to conduct research to answer your research question. Be sure to explain why you would choose this method and how it is better than some of the other methods for answering your question.
In addition, you will be expected to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed research method, and use citations from the textbook. This will be the “heart” of this paper– be sure to explain this section in detail and provide specific examples.

Relate the strengths and weaknesses to your topic, and how, as a researcher, you would compensate for any weaknesses. Explain also what ethical considerations you should keep in mind if you were to conduct research on your chosen topic. How would you make sure that you would not violate confidentiality and retain anonymity? How would you protect your subjects or participants? You will also be expected to briefly summarize and cite from 9 sources and the text book. Eight of your sources should be from the scholarly articles that you have been collecting and reading throughout this course. A good paper would “weave” in specific examples from the scholarly article into the text of your paper. Be sure to connect the scholarly article to what you have to say about your chosen research method.

Answer preview

The relationship between stress and self-esteem among students has been a topic of interest for several years. Stress is understood as the physical or mental strain, while self-esteem refers to the overall assessment of one’s self-worth, and serves as an important indicator of stress (Wu et al., 2011). Moksnes et al. (2010) established that higher stress levels contribute to low self-esteem while having self-esteem allows individuals to cope with stressful encounters. Reducing stressful encounters and increasing self-esteem levels is important to ensure the performance and mental health of students.

Word count: 2686