The Relevance of Classical Management Approaches on the Future Organizations


The Relevance of Classical Management Approaches on the Future Organizations


COMPONENT B (40% of the module):

1500 word individual report which critically evaluates the following question:

Although some might suggest that post-bureaucratic and virtual organizations inspired by Human Relations approaches are becoming the ‘future’ of organizing, in fact, it is more likely that contemporary society will be even more influenced by classical approaches to management. Critically evaluate this statement, and consider some of the key lessons that organizations in the future could take forward.

The report should be divided into appropriate sections and critically discuss and apply academic theory.  It will also highlight examples from empirical research and real-world examples to support the debate presented.  A range of academic references should be drawn on to evidence your report.  Your work should conform to the conventions of academic writing and be fully referenced in UWE Harvard style. 

Answer Preview

The classical management theory emphasizes the physical and economic needs of employees. Therefore, the organization of the work process in the firm, and efforts of efficiency optimization, are aligned in a way that employees can be allocated specific roles, and provided with economic incentives in an effort to maximize their performance (Kumar, 2017).  In this regard, the classical approaches of management underscores the need for creating friendly working environments for the employees. This may include providing safety equipment, reducing hazards at work, creating a healthy working environment, and paying the employees well. These considerations relate to physical and economic needs of the employees. Another element is scientific selection and training of workers to equip them with the skills necessary for them to work effectively. Although these focus areas do not look at job satisfaction and social needs for the employees, they nevertheless play a vital role in defining and driving performance within the firm. For example, existing research has shown that employees who are not sufficiently remunerated, or those working in inhumane or poor physical working environments are highly unhappy with their work, and are likely to leave their employer (Aziri, 2019). This highlights the relevance of the classical approach of management in contemporary organizations.

Word Count: 1600