The Right Cause- Women’s Right to have an Abortion


The Right Cause- Women’s Right to Have an Abortion


The topic is (if you were to support a cause, what would it be and why?)

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The right of any woman in any part of the world to have an abortion is an extremely important cause to support because it has to do with preserving women’s rights to make decisions that primarily affect their own bodies. Before the 1800s, women all over the world from different cultures routinely used abortion as a form of birth control (, 1998). It is only in the 19th century that highly-ranked male government and church officials in Europe and the US began to pass laws against abortion- basing their actions on the need to save innocent unborn babies from their mothers. This argument, which is still used today, reeks of fake concern. If men were really concerned about preventing unborn babies from being harmed in any way, they would champion the manufacture of several male birth control methods, and then enforce them among themselves to prevent women from having the responsibility of making life-related decisions.

Word Count: 900