The Right to Privacy


The Right to Privacy


Using the following links, watch these 2 films from the BBC.
1 ► Weapons of Mass Surveillance:
2 ► In your face:
These two examples show the advancements in surveillance in countries outside the US.
Watch both the films, analyze and answer the three given questions.
1. Is this something we should live with?
2. Is it ethical that these systems be used given their potential for abuse?
3. Is there a policy that you would recommend to protect privacy? (do some research to backup your answer).Use outside sources, including citations, and write a 1-2 page paper.

Answer preview

From the films that have been provided, it is quite true that this should not be something that we should be living with leave alone even entertain it as well. We need to make sure that the privacy of an individual is offered immense priority in the first place. Privacy and comfort work hand in hand thus when someone is offered one he receives the other. From the videos, we see what a country can be to other people all in the name of looking for information. There can be no excuse to intruding on someone’s privacy because in as much as it is a matter of human rights, it is also a matter of respect in another perspective as well.

Word count: 603