The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility-A Case Of Huawei


The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility-A Case Of Huawei


Design a PowerPoint presentation based on this dissertation: The Role and Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility-A Case Of Huawei

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Previous studies investigated the concept of CSR from a vast of connotations ranging from business philanthropic initiatives Branco and Rodrigues (2007), to how a business should take social responsibility in addition to promoting economic wellbeing of the stakeholders involved.  The authors asserted that CSR involve several corporate activities that emphasise on economic and social welfare of individuals, society and environment affected by business activity. Although conceptualisation and operationalisation of CSR can be examined from a wide range of models, CSR comprises dimensions of the product responsibility, environmental responsibility and human responsibility models (Šontaitė-Petkevičienė, 2015). As such, scholars agree that corporate social responsibility exists as a multidimensional model created to address the interests of stakeholders such as customers, investors, employees, the community, regulators and the environment in which the business operates.

Word count: 6340

Slide count: 11