The Role of Digital Marketing in the International Context


The Role of Digital Marketing in the International Context


You are required to develop an annotated bibliography of 10 journal articles which you believe have made an important contribution to the debate around the importance or the nature of digital marketing (Preferably within an International Context) or any business issue for Business students. You can also relate digital marketing to different business aspects such as business performance, customer satisfaction or loyalty. The annotated bibliography needs to explain:

  • Why you believe each article is important;
  • The philosophical underpinnings and methodological approach taken in each article;
  • The main findings and key conclusions of the article;
  • The overall character of the bibliography as a whole, in terms of philosophical underpinnings, methodologies, findings and how representative it is of the debate regarding Digital Marketing/Business issue.

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Marketers are increasingly focusing on taking brands to customers. Customers, on the other hand, are increasing becoming partners in the creation of value (Lamberton and Stephen, 2016). As such, technology becomes an important tool of creating and providing quality goods and services. However, given the dynamics of customer behaviour and the changing preferences (Smith, 2011), the effectiveness of digital media in relation to the traditional media remains unclear. Understanding the role and effects of digital marketing would provide contemporary companies with opportunities of meeting customer preference and expectations.

Word count: 2523