The Role of Neutralisation


The Role of Neutralisation


Words: 2000

References: 15 minimum (Harvard). Try to use references from Moodle (see below).

  1. Caruana, R., Glozer, S., Crane, A. and McCabe, S. (2014).
  2. Chatzidakis, A., Hibbert, S., and Smith, A. P. (2007).
  3. Hunt, S. D., and Vitell, S. (1986).
  4. Smith, N.C., Drumwright, M.E. and Gentile, M.C. (2010).
  5. Wilkie, W. L., and Moore, E. S. (1999).

You need to identify and expand upon THREE KEY issues or themes covered in the article. Each theme should be linked to marketing ethics and you can use practical examples throughout your analysis.


  1. Introduction: The THREE key issues should be identified. Please set out the structure of your assignment here (150 Words).
  2. Key Issue 1 (570 Words).
  3. Key Issue 2 (570 Words).
  4. Key Issue 3 (570 Words).
  5. Conclusion (140 Words).

Answer preview

Many consumers are largely driven by the will to maintain ethical consumerism. Having enormous educational programs meant for enlightening the consumers to engage on sustainability consumerism by purchasing products from ethically responsible organizations, fair trade (FT) products have become part of the resolution in ensuring commitment to this matter. However, the FT movement has not largely been successful. An imperative study to explore the issue of unmet resolutions on consumer intentions in purchasing FT products was conducted by Chatzidakis, Hibbert, and Smith (2007) in their article, ‘Why people don’t take their concerns about fair trade to the supermarket: The role of neutralisation’. Chatzidakis et al presented an outstanding study showing how consumers deal with the situation after being caught in a dissonance of being supporters of FT movements, and in the same time, being buyers of non-confirming products.

Word count: 2467