The Role of Recognition as a Scientific Reward in Priority Conflicts


The Role of Recognition as a Scientific Reward in Priority Conflicts


Discuss the Role of Recognition as a Scientific Reward in Priority Conflicts.

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The question of who invented Calculus is one of the notorious scientific priority disputes in mathematics history. At the heart of the dispute are two protagonists, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz; who deserved credit for the prior invention on Calculus? Calculus represents one of the major mathematic inventions which are still widely applied in the contemporary fields of science. Newton developed the basic concepts of concept in the 1660s and wrote a paper on the same, but remained unpublished until 1711 (Burns & Findlen, 2001). He wrote other papers on Calculus but did not publish them until in the 18th century, but had circulated them to close friends and associates.

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