The Safe Staffing of Health Personnel in a Medical Institution


The Safe Staffing of Health Personnel in a Medical institution


In 5 pages, discuss about safe staffing of health personnel in a medical institution. Use APA format.

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Nursing is a profession that is an integral part of the healthcare system. It embodies promoting health, preventing illness and caring for those who are physically and mentally ill. The quality of work that the nurse must provide is at risk of being compromised when there is inadequate staffing. The more patients that one nurse must care for impacts the quality of care for all of the patients that the nurse is providing care. There is a direct relationship between staffing numbers and adverse events such as death, medical errors, nosocomial infections, readmissions and patient falls. When discussing this matter with healthcare administration, it is noted that a minimum nursing staff to patient ratio would have a significant impact on the quality of care being provided as well as reducing the likelihood of nurses being burned out due to being overloaded with work (Safe-Staffing Ratios: Benefiting Nurses and Patients, 2016).

Word count: 2358