The School Lunch Policy in America


The School Lunch Policy in America


Health policy is the result of legislative action that establishes the scope, funding and focus for the policy in action. Health legislation covers a wide variety of topics from actual patient care, to biomedical research, to systems’ policies and regulations. It is the result of many different actors coming together to advocate for their constituents’ needs. Legislators rely on professional organizations and public interest groups to develop effective and fiscally responsible policies.
In this individual assignment you will identify current or past legislation related to your health topic of interest, and you will track that legislation from its introduction, committee hearings, to its current status. Choose legislation in one sphere of government (local (city), state or federal level).

Answer preview

Child nutrition has been an issue of concern in America from the 19th century with many changes being made.   The current concerns have been on the nutritional quality of the food children eat in schools through the schools lunch and breakfast program which have been considered as a major contributing factor to the increased cases of children obesity.

Children obesity exposes children to immediate health issues and longer-term health problems that adults suffer due to obesity.  It, therefore, needed to review and make an adjustment to not only provide food but healthy food that helps reduce obesity among children.

Word count: 1214