The Significance of Internal and External Interaction with Corporate Stakeholders


The Significance of Internal and External Interaction with Corporate Stakeholders


Read John Swales “Discourse Communities” (PDF on Blackboard) and write a rhetorical analysis of this reading in memo format to your employees (as the director of Human Resources) discussing how we interact with each other in the workplace, outside the workplace, with clients, and with people in the community. Emphasize why this matters and how it affects business (transactions and interactions). You can use the Summary, Analysis, Recommendations sections approach or an adjusted approach to meet your needs. Please ask me if you have questions. Use APA or MLA citation practices and include a References or Works Cited page. Use Times New Roman in 12 point font.

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There have been numerous recent complaints regarding strained interactions between employees and their counterparts, as well as between employees and consumers. To deal with this fact, the company will be training its employees, over the next few weeks, on how to improve workplace interactions amongst themselves, as well as between themselves and customers. In his writings on the significance of workplace interactions, John Swales asserts that the workplace is a perfect environment which can be used to study discourses between different types of internal and external stakeholders (Swales, 2014). Swales observes that in the workplace, employees typically use different communication methods to work together or engage employees. He further states that in order for a community to be considered to be a discourse community,

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