The Sport Marketing Management Issue at Manhattan Athletic Club


The Sport Marketing Management Issue at Manhattan Athletic Club


The paper is to be written from the point of view of a sports club manager.   You will choose a sports club and identify sports club management problems that you will then propose solutions.  The problems may be marketing, sponsorship or sales related but the solutions must be management oriented.  That means that you as a club manager must take into consideration the whole club to solve the problems and not just rely on the marketing department or person.  Using the theory and techniques discussed in class you will need to build a new sports club strategy after identifying the problems of your chosen club.  You also need to choose a new vision of the club and the objectives that you as a manager would like to achieve after making the changes that you think will solve the problems you have identified.  This requires management thinking and not just recommendations.

You should employ concepts from class discussions and readings where relevant, but you are expected to introduce substantial new material from peer-reviewed journal articles and other sources not included in the course as well as novel ideas of your own. The essay should cite at least three peer-reviewed journal articles; this is in addition to any additional sources (e.g., published documents that were not peer reviewed, unpublished documents, and websites) found useful.

Your paper should emphasize analysis – independent, critical thought – rather than description and recommendations.  This means that you must go beyond describing problems and proposing recommendations.  You must do this and then show how you will implement the solutions your recommend and measure for success.

You should have in your paper :

  1. An introduction of your sports club including the current sports club strategy, the organization of the club, the assets and resources, etc.
  2. The problems that you have identified (attendance, sales, profit and revenue, etc.)
  3. The proposed strategy to solve the identified problems
  4. The implementation of the strategy that you propose (how to do it, who will do what and with what resources)
  5. A measurement system that will show you if you are successful or not

Structure of the report:

The report should be 10 – 15 pages long, excluding the cover page, bibliography page, and annex which should contain exhibits (pictures, transcripts):

  1. Cover page : a title, the student’s name and an abstract of less than 150 words,
  2. Introduction (1/2 page) explaining your choice of a trend and of a country,
  3. The main body of your report covering your findings,
  4. Conclusion (1/2 page),
  5. Bibliography: list sources in alphabetical order of author’s last name. Use Harvard referencing system (see the ESCR library website for more information on referencing),
  6. Annex: Pictures illustrating your findings conveying points you are making in the main body of your report should be here and not in the main body.


Each essay should be typed, 11/2 space, using 12-point Times New Roman font, and 2 cm margins, top & bottom.

Answer preview

Sports management is a new concept that has taken astronomical strides towards the evolution of sports clubs. This report will explore the central marketing problem that faces Manhattan Athletic Club. The issue has hampered the growth of the club, and in this context, it has substantially denied the club some income it would have generated from marketing deals. The management has a ray of strategies that will be incorporated to ensure the club acquires the necessary agreements. Therefore, the management will highlight the essential steps such as creating a marketing platform that seeks to make the club expand activities beyond America. Additionally, it would be important for the club to develop the kit marketing strategy that will equip the company with a bright framework to expand its work. Adopting to a new vision will be a pivotal strategy to solve the sponsorship problem.

Word count: 4673