The State of Education In Kenya


The State of Education In Kenya


Write an essay exploring the stater of education in Kenya

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Higher education is the education beyond high school; in colleges or universities, as explained by Boit J.M (2012). It is the final stage of formal learning and is mentioned as a fundamental right in some human rights instruments. Higher learning includes the undergraduate and post-graduate levels of study. This type of learning incorporates teaching, research applied works and social services.

The history of formal higher education in Kenya can be traced to the early 20th century when the British colonial powers established Makerere College in Uganda in 1922 to replace the traditional non-formal forms of education that existed previously in East Africa. The college offered certificate courses in various fields including teacher training, carpentry, building technology, motor mechanics, medical care, agriculture and veterinary services. In 1949, Makerere University Act was passed, giving the institution legal status of a university offering degrees of the University of London.

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