The Stobart Group


The Stobart Group


Read the case study below and answer the questions (also can be found at end of case study):

  1. On the basis of the evidence available to you above and online, how well would you say the Stobart Group is at meeting the expectations of (500 words, 4 references):
    1. Its owners and investors
    2. Customers
    3. Employees
    4. Other interest groups.
  2. How satisfactory is the statement given above of Stobart Group’s purpose or mission? What is the future vision of its management team? (500 words,  4 references)

Words: 1000

References: 8 references (Harvard).

Answer preview

Stobart Group began as a transport haulage company that developed into a road user distribution firm. It operated at maximum best before it was coupled by financial crisis. Through acquisitions and mergers, the company has expounded on its business to include storage facilities and other logistics like seaport and rail. Even at its infancy stages, the company still managed to capture the attention of its customers through provision of quality services. It was evident in the relation it had struck with its customers since they held the company in high esteem.

Word count: 1110