The Story of David and How He Acquired Righteousness after Committing Terrible Sins


The Story of David and How He Acquired Righteousness after Committing Terrible Sins


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In short, the story demonstrates the forgiving nature of God. It is the kind of forgiveness that remembers the sin no more. In fact, the sin is forgotten to the point the forgiven person is described so differently like they never really committed the sin at all. It is the reason why the bible describes David as a good man. What makes David good, therefore, is his sincerity about his sin. He is sincere and he admits that he was wrong. In his admission, he asks God so sincerely to forgive him and to show him as much compassion. He is so deliberate in his request that he asks God to wash him with hyssop. David knew that he had sinned against God, and that what he had done was wrong in his sight.

Word Count: 800