The Tesla Venture to Enter the Chinese Electric Vehicles Market


The Tesla Venture to Enter the Chinese Electric Vehicles Market


Write a essay paper detailing everything on The Tesla Venture to Enter the Chinese Electric Vehicles Market

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Tesla Inc. is a US-based automotive firm that specializes in the design, manufacture and sale of electric vehicles. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, the company was founded in 2003 by Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard. Three other investors, namely Ian Wright, JB Straubel and Elon Musk joined the firm in 2004, and are listed as co-founders of the firm. Presently, Elon Musk is the chief executive officer of the firm, and the principal co-owner of the firm, controlling 21.9% of the firm’s stakes.  The company is worth $4.237 billion as of 2017 data and employs over 48,000 workers globally (Tesla Inc., 2018). The firm’s subsidiaries include SolarCity, which specializes in making solar panels and related products, as well as the Tesla Grohmann Automation, which is based in Germany.

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