The Theme of Justice – Homer’s The Iliad as Politics and Shakespeare’s Hamlet


The Theme of Justice – Homer’s The Iliad as Politics and Shakespeare’s Hamlet


Assignment 4 is an extended scholarly research paper. This assignment provides students with the opportunity to either analyze an assigned work in greater depth, or explore themes and concepts across two or more works read in class. The paper can be an expansion of a previous short essay or something new.

In this paper, students will demonstrate knowledge of how to find, use, and properly cite (according to MLA style format) an appropriate number of scholarly books and articles to support their argument or thesis. Students are encouraged, as much as possible, to formulate an original thesis representing their own perspective or point of view, but substantiated with evidence from the text and from secondary sources. A literature review–an objective summary of how other scholars have approached the subject or topic.

This paper should be 10 pages with a Works Cited page.

While it’s not all that original, but you could compare and contrast Milton’s L’Allegro/Il Penseroso, or discuss the Christian contemptus mundi tradition in Augustine, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, HamletIl Penseroso and Paradise Lost. You can write about Melancholy inHamlet and Il Penseroso.

Answer preview

In works of art Themes are brought out by different writers in different ways. This essay is an examination of the theme of wrath and how it is used to achieve justice in the society. With Homer, his issues were captured in the form of a poem and the reader got introduced to the issue of wrath and justice through Achilles. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, in the very dramatic play, the author uses among other tools the effective soliloquies. These were used to present specific pieces of information in the play especially in cases where it was impossible to divulge the same through normal dialogue. In the play Hamlet, the character Hamlet speeches develop the plot, they make known to the audience his inner thoughts, advances issues as well as building the atmosphere in the play.

Word count: 3267