The theme of Social justice


The theme of Social justice


As part of the Policy Analysis and Community Interview paper, you are to submit an ideological analysis of the social policy that you have chosen. This paper of at least   2 pages should describe your understanding of the ideology(ies) affecting the creation, development and sustaining of the social policy. This paper is worth 2 Points and must be no less than two pages.

Answer Preview 

To date, reforms in the OASI administration have been anchored on questions of law only. All other criteria have been ignored for justice citing the need to come up with other criteria for social justice in our dynamic society (Mason, 2018). The reforms must, however, capture the following considerations:

  • OASI ought to cover all persons at risks of old-age, work injury, unemployment, and ill health
  • Migrants must be treated equally
  • OASI must operate with consistency particularly on human resources and work incentives among the elderly and disabled
  • Provisions of OASI must be consistent with labor mobility and job creation objectives
  • Understandability, transparency, and coherence of OASI program and policies provision
  • Social justice rights must be individualized for women and men
  • Flexibility to opt for lifelong learning, partial or phased retirement, family care responsibilities, employment, and education
  • Alleviation of poverty
  • Equity among different generations

Word Count: 600