The Theory of Learning- Language must be Learned


The Theory of Learning- Language must be Learned


Using the information presented in the readings and resources provided for the week, address the following: Is language better conceived of as an innate and universal human capability, or must language be learned? Many different approaches can be applied to this question, from behaviorist, to Chomsky’s theory, to an evolutionary perspective. This assignment will be assessed based on how well we develop our argument. (For example, suggesting that language is innate might not explain why mother’s use motherse; but conversely to suggest that language is learned does not mean that using motherese while talking to your puppy will help it develop human language skills. So the goal for this paper is not to be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in your decision, but rather to use what we have learned this week to make your case.)

Answer Preview 

According to Hedeager (2016), the maturation of human beings follows a specific process which allows children to learn and understand the basic tenets of language between the ages of 4 and 6. Human infants are not born with the cognitive capacity that is needed to speak or communicate satisfactorily in human languages. Unlike animals, babies do not use their instincts to develop an understanding of the basic tenets of language; but rather learn them as their cognitive capacities expand with age. Human infants only learn human language by repeating and imitating motherese. In almost all human languages spoken around the world, motherese consists of simple grammar, short phrases, vowel contrasts, exaggerated pitch contours, and various versions of words (Saint-Georges, 2013).

Word Count: 800