The U.S. role in its rivalry with the Soviet Union


The U.S. role in its rivalry with the Soviet Union


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The rivalry contributed to increased pressure from both sides and with the Soviet Union attempting to spread communism across the United States. This made America come up with the containment policy as a fight back. The containment policy is a policy that the United States pursued through the war period and it sought to ensure that the communist policies were not spread beyond the boundaries of the communist countries. According to this policy, the United States did not have a problem with communism especially in the already communist governments, but was concerned of its spread beyond such borders and thus the attempt to contain it. Following the control that the Soviet Union was showcasing towards the Eastern Europe countries after the Second World War, the United States had deep seated worries that the Union was attempting to spread communism to the wider population, a factor that led to the formulation of containment (Gaddis, 2005).

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