The Understanding of Sex and Gender


The Understanding of Sex and Gender


The summary must be in paragraph format and should be approximately 150 words. Each summary should focus on three primary areas. Please use the following headings to organize your summary:

  • Summary of Learning. This includes the major areas of content found in the lectures and reading materials for the week.
  • Personal Learning. This should cover items that have personally impacted your thinking and practice.
  • Application to Career and Professional Goals. This should include information pertinent to your current and future career.

Answer preview

The reading on sex and gender gives distinctive definitions of gender and sex. Many times, these terms are used interchangeably by people but they do not mea the same thing. Se denotes the biological characteristics of a human which are inherited at birth, while gender are the socialization characteristics imposed on a person depending on what their society believes to be the proper behavior for boys and girls (Renzetti, 15).

Word count: 337