The Use of Vaccines in Our Society


The Use of Vaccines in Our Society


Should Vaccination of Children Be Made Mandatory?

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The explanation of polio and vaccination

Polio is an extensively transmittable viral disease spread through contact with the feces of an infected person. The contact with contaminated toys, a cough, and a sneeze may transfer the virus since it resides in the intestines and the throat. According to CDC, polio is an untreatable, crippling, and fatal viral disease that spreads from one individual to another affecting the spinal cord, the brain and causing paralysis. Polio mostly prevails in the localities whereby the people cannot access flush toilets and running water and, results from drinking water with human waste. The virus is extremely contagious such that one may acquire the virus by living with an infected person though; the most exposed groups comprise of young children and pregnant women. Additionally, persons living with Hiv/AIDS face increased risk due to diminished immune systems.

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