The Various Interesting Things About Dinner Party Economics


The Various Interesting Things About Dinner Party Economics


The writing assignment should have the following components:

It should be a well written letter to a friend or family member about what you are learning from reading Dinner Party Economics (DPE) using proper spelling, grammar, and paragraphs in the text’s style. The use of slang, short forms, etc. should be as strategic as they are in the book. Feel free to write with a humorous voice, if that is your inclination;
It should be between 1100 and 1200 words;
It must reference 3 concepts found in DPE. One concept must come from chapters 1-4, another from chapters 5-9 and the last from chapters 9-12;
It should describe how and why you have found these ideas to be:
surprising, or
You should apply these concepts to either:
example(s) from your life, or
an alternative interesting example not found in the book, but you think would interest the reader;
It should reference the page number with (pp XX) in text. For example, “Now I understand why the Keynsian revolution resulted in abandoning the classical view of Macroeconomics (pp. 174).

Answer preview

It is with so much pleasure to write to you this missive detailing the various interesting things about Dinner Party Economics. You see uncle; Dinner Party Economics is actually a course I have come to love more than any other. This is because of the many real life facts that I learn from the course. In simple terms, Dinner party Economics has ushered me into the world of issues like micro economics, macroeconomics, money is as money does, measure for measure, assortment of gross products, in labor and name your price. This is just a small sample of the menu I intend to serve to you tonight.

Word count: 1498