The View of the Bible – A Documentary Hypothesis


The View of the Bible – A Documentary Hypothesis


Write a hypothesis that tells more about the view of the Bible.

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Equally, the introductory comments about the theory affect how one interprets the argument. For example, Wellhausen argues that the Bible is a mere historical book that one should not take literary. By making such a comment, he dismisses the Bible as the book the people should base their faith on. When one reads the theory, it’s, therefore, an argument that discredits the Bible its traditionally and originally known purpose and significance. This poses a challenge to those who read the Bible from the perspective of faith because it causes them to question their belief. There is a possibility that after reading the theory, one can dismiss the faith as a fallacy or historical stories that are not worth basing one’s faith on because he challenges what they have always known and believed to be the truth.

Word Count: 650