The Waltz of The Fat Man


The Waltz of The Fat Man


Write a essay paper on The Waltz of The Fat Man

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Rios’ tale is based in Noe’s store, where he spends most of his time yearning to develop some kind of relationship with his customers. The narrator characterizes Noe as a docile, though delusional middle-aged man with a complete lack of social skills. Even though Noe yearns to have a relationship with anybody in his town, he is unable to take the right steps to make this possible. The narrator reveals that Noe actually chose to be a butcher because this would increase his chances of befriending other human beings since they would need his products on a daily basis (Rios, 30). However, his expectations in regards to the formation of relationships with others have yet to be realized. His butcher shop actually gives Noe an even greater sense of inferiority, because even though it gives him the opportunity to meet people on a regular basis, none of them seem interested enough in him to form any kind of relationship with him.

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