The War that made America


The War that made America


Watch The War That Made America, and then answer the questions below.

  1. What were the main causes of the French and Indian War?
  2. Who were the most important military figures during the war (from both sides)?
  3. What role did George Washington play in the war? What lessons did he learn?
  4. How did Great Britain treat the 13 colonies during the war?
  5. What policies did William Pitt pursue, and how did the colonists respond?

Answer preview

Strife for competence and worldwide dominion between the French and the British spread far and wide into the United States during the French and Indian war. The conflict was a result of the British, French and their colonists ‘attempt to gain territory and exert influence frontier regions. Both France and Britain desired to conquer the fur trade in the North of the United States; this brought the French against the British that were in search of farmland (“PBS The War That Made American Part 1”).

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