The Whiny Generation


The Whiny Generation


Write an essay exploring The Whiny Generation

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Interaction with others is what shapes our identity. It involves interaction with all people, even those who perceive us negatively because of the generation that we belong to. The character will grow when one interacts with the social groups and the people around them, even if they are from the same generation. People are perceived to be the same if they are from the same crop because it’s perceived that when one interacts with other people, they tend to change their behaviors, roles and adopt the new practice so that to fit in that group (Grubb). But at the same time, one cannot copy from others just because they belong to that generation. It’s because we realize that most of the people will join the groups where most of the members have similar behaviors. Therefore, these people can be influenced by a small percentage of their actions but not changing completely. Despite people being categorized generationally, they cannot all have the same attributes, but one still can have a positive value that can influence others as well.

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