The work of Lord Byron and his writings (She walks in Beauty)


The work of Lord Byron and his writings (She walks in Beauty)


  1. Discuss insights into the work that can be gained from the author’s bibliography
  2. Analyze how this work explores a particular theme and /or stylistic characteristic from this period.
  3. Explain the relevance of this work to today’s audiences

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Lord Byron was notorious for his love affairs within his family (Gordon, & Byron, 2012). He had problems with incest no wonder he had no problem in writing about his own cousin in “She walks in Beauty“.   He is also rumored to have an affair with his half-sister and even fathered a child with her. Lord Byron is one of the romantic poets whose personality and poetry captured the imagination of Europe and North America. He grew up to a handsome man who loved women and women loved him too in return. Byron’s personal character has undoubtedly been reflected in his literary works and “She walks in Beauty “is not an exception.

Word count: 613