Theoretical basis and empirical perspective of corporate culture and its relationship to the management and development of business enterprises – The Case of Nike


Theoretical basis and empirical perspective of corporate culture and its relationship to the management and development of business enterprises – The Case of Nike


Write a literature review paper reviewing the empirical perspective of corporate culture and its relationship to the management and development of business enterprises and specifically focusing on The Case of Nike

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Different studies have previously explored the impact of corporate culture on different dimensions of enterprise, including performance, management and development (Qawasmeh et al., 2013; Uzkurt et al., 2013). In one study, Uzkurt et al. (2013) investigated the role of culture on performance and explored the characteristics of corporate culture in the Turkish setting. Essentially, the study established that the role of corporate culture is intertwined with competitive advantage; creating a basis of fostering performance of an enterprise. The beliefs, attitudes and perspectives shared by people in an enterprise determine the unique characteristics of corporate culture and affect the behavior and viewpoint of the management and the subordinates (Carlos Pinho et al., 2014).

Strong corporate culture is viewed as a major driving factor to the performance of the management and employees. According to Sun (2018), corporate culture fosters commitment and confidence at the workplace, and eliminates possible drawbacks such as unethical conduct and stress. In addition, the author states that irrespective of the strength of corporate culture, it creates a notable impact on performance and behavior, including shaping the approaches to the managing organizational practices. According to Galpin et al. (2015), corporate culture sets a basis for sustainable advantage. However, the author provides that for corporate culture to deliver the benefit, it must be meet the fundamental characteristics such as viability, rarity and imitability. These attributes can provide the management with a fulcrum for impacting performance in the short-term and in the long-term

Word Count: 3,300