Theory and Practice of Workplace Discrimination


Theory and Practice of Workplace Discrimination


This week you have read research on the theories of power, leasdership, prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and obedience to authority. Now you will have a chance to showcase what you have learned by creating a recommendation based on this scenarioabout discrimincation in the workplace.

Your post should be approximately 500 words in length and include appropriate APA-style citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition to citing the assigned works you read this week, please locate and cite at least two more peer-reviewed journal articles on any of the areas studied this week to support your position. These articles should be recent (published within the last 10 years).

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In another perspective, theory of power and leadership are also highly corrective with other forms of discrimination in workplace. Abbas, Hameed, and Waheed (2011) findings implicated that gender discrimination in form of promotion and facility contexts remains one of the major determinants of employee performance. Abbas et al finding aligns with French and Reven’s theory of power and leadership, which is fundamentally associated with the sources of power used by leaders for influencing others (Lunenburg, 2012). As stated by Lunenburg, sources of power are considered five in number, although they can be categorized into two: personal power and organizational power. Organization power includes rewards, legitimate, and coercive while personal power includes referent and expertise. In most cases, organizational power becomes the cause of gender discrimination in areas of imbalanced coercion or rewarding system. The aftermath of such form of discrimination is de-motivation and dissatisfaction that translates into disengaged personal power. Disengagement of personal power means that the employees will not be putting all their full expertise in play because they do are not motivated and/or satisfied with their the way their leaders are handling them in workplace.

Word Count: 600