Three-dimensional Computer Immersive Environment


Three-dimensional Computer Immersive Environment


The Guidelines for academic papers required by my Uni – The master thesis exposé that I have already agreed on with my examiner – The current state of my thesis (What I have done so far) – A Forrester Survey on which chapter 7 is based on – The final version of fellow students master thesis for comparison As I said I have mainly worked on the structure and chapter 1&2 so far. The written texts that you will find in the following chapters are initial ideas of potential content. Therefore it’s still a bit messy.
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A three-dimensional computer immersive environment is a sensational experience in contemporary computing technology. As this technological concept is becoming cheaper and more widespread, more organizations are using it innovatively which has changed the way customers perceive the alternative reality technologies, that is Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR), (Targowski, 2015).

Following the advancements in the present millennial technologies coupled with a vast Internet of Things(IoT), smartphones are the dominant platforms for AR and VR which owe to their outstanding features, (Hale, & Stanney, 2014.).A survey in 2016 by Tech Pro Research revealed that adoption of AR and VR had been greeted with great anticipation mostly by gaming, media, and entertainment industries taking the front line, (Gregory, 2017). Statistics showed that 48% of the companies interviewed considered adopting VR with 23% of them within the next three years.. 67% considered adopting AR with 30% of them assuring to start within the next three years, (Hale, & Stanney, 2014). In both cases, the businesses preferred the adoption of these technologies in their primary areas of interest; simulation practices, employee hiring, staff training, and computer modeling as their major areas of tryouts, (Targowski, 2015).

According to a study by Digital Capital and ABI Research, the VR market was worth an estimated $1.9 billion in 2016, and considering the rate of adoption so far the market worth is expected to skyrocket to $22.4 billion by 2020, (Gregory, 2017).

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