Time Management, Websites, Project Planning and Multimedia Activities


Time Management, Websites, Project Planning and Multimedia Activities


Question 1)

Why do you think time management is an important aspect of project management? What characteristics or aspects of a project are greatly influenced by how a project manager approaches time management?

Question 2)

The various parts that can make up a form include form objects, text fields, check boxes, radio buttons, menus, hidden fields, image fields, file fields, submit button, reset button, and jump menus.

Visit the two forms at the websites listed below:

What was the main difference between the two website forms and the use of buttons or icons?

Question 3)

Cost overruns are a project manager’s worst nightmare. What elements of planning do you think can go wrong that could cause cost overruns?

Question 4)

Describe the types of multimedia or interactivity elements you have enjoyed or used in various websites. Did the multimedia and interactivity elements support the website’s purpose? If so, how? If not, why not?

Answer preview

Time management is an important aspect of project management as it helps in organizing, planning and utilization of time in activities for effectiveness of processes. The lack of time management may result in negative implications for a project both the short run and long run. Time element is considered as one of the three impediments to project completion and deviance from the formulated schedule presents significant effects on cost and scope of the project. Besides, infective management of time results in frustrations of the entire project execution team and in extreme circumstances, work burnout.

Word count: 830