Toyota Australia – A Reflective Report


Toyota Australia – A Reflective Report


A marketing plan describes the marketing environment, marketing objectives, and marketing strategies. In Assessment 1, you, with others in your group, developed a situation analysis for a selected company culminating in a SWOT analysis. This is the current situation that the company is in from a marketing perspective

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Motor vehicle consumers are known for their preference for comfort hence plenty of optional features in vehicles would easily influence them to purchase particular brands. The middle-income earners seek affordable vehicles but they are particular about the optional features included. Volkswagen vehicles are feature-laden thus increasing comfort consequently appealing to many customers. Therefore, to counter such competition, innovative creativity should be a sole focus in winning back the dwindling market for passenger vehicles (Morgan and Liker, 2006). For instance, Toyota has been reluctant to incorporate technological as well as exciting features in all its passenger vehicles. The bias is proving costly for the company as witnessed in the number of shifting customers towards Volkswagen SUVs. For example, the entertainment features and Technological features such as the GPS system lack in the Toyota Camry model but are fully available in Volkswagen Tiguan.

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