Toyota of Australia


Toyota of Australia


Write an individual report paper

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To shift to passenger cars as an entry mode to the global market (America) in 12 months

      Passenger cars are widely used hence they could be pivotal for Toyota’s entry into the US market. As customers wish for affordable and easy-to-maintain vehicles, passenger vehicles meet such criteria. Toyota has been over-reliant on its sports utility vehicles SUVs to venture into the global market. The SUVs have been a solid pillar to Toyota’s international marketing strategy due to their popularity (Morgan and Liker, 2006). For instance, Toyota SUVs sales have been steadily rising by approximately 2.9% since 2015. In 2017 the firm sold 1, 160,495 units thus confirming a steady market for its SUVs. Nevertheless, the pendulum could shift to a more favorable position if Toyota considered a vibrant marketing campaign for its passenger vehicles within 12 months.  Currently, there is surging demand for vehicles and the trend could intensify in the coming years considering the number of people who buy vehicles. The firm could start by selling 500,000 units in the first seven months then sell a further 400,000 in the remaining months. The objective could work perfectly by targeting the American market first because of the high demand for passenger vehicles. More specifically, Toyota Corolla could be the best model to sell due to its efficiency as well as its performance in the Australian market.

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