Training and Performance Management


Training and Performance Management


Write a critical analysis on training and performance management.

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The first key concept from the reading was a strategic approach to training.  This concept is key because it explains the overall perception any human resource manager should have when planning, executing and conducting post-evaluation after training (Snell & Morris, 2019).  The major argument is that training does not need to be done for the sake of formality or because other companies in the industry are doing it.  It should rather be based on need analysis and feed into the strategic goals of the company. This is a very important insight because every effort and investment made in training and development would directly translate to productivity in the company.  Any training efforts not aligned with the strategic goals of the company are a wastage of resources and time. Need analysis is one of the reliable approaches the training officer can use to decide areas of training for the employees.     As a human resource manager, I can apply this concept by avoiding to fall in the trap of designing a training program because other companies are doing it and rather using need assessment insight to critically evaluate the essence of the training. For example, one of the major trends in employee training is concerning the use of digital tools for improved productivity.

Word Count: 1200