Trait Validation


Trait Validation (Interview with Steve Biden)


1. Download and review the Trait Validation Interviews worksheet, which is part of your Career Strategy Planner work.

2. Select at least two, non-family interviewees for this assignment. (If you want to add family members, too, you can. Just be sure to interview at least two professionals who are not related.)

3. Interview the individuals you selected using the Trait Validation Interviews worksheet.

4. Write the responses of your interviewees accurately. Answers can be brief and in phrases. However, add any personal notations, in case you believe the answer would be unclear upon my reading it.

5. Analyze – After you have completed your interviews, look at the responses as to how others view your personal characteristics and skills/competencies in comparison to the answers you provided on your Self-Assessment.

Trait Validation
Name of interviewee:
Briefly describe how this person knows you. (supervisor, teacher, faculty advisor, family friend,
colleague from an internship, etc.)
Briefly state how long this person has known you. (Can be an approximation.)

Questions to ask your interviewees:
1. Please tell me what you consider to be my five most noteworthy skills and/or competencies.
(You can provide a couple of examples from the attached list, if needed for your discussion.*)
2. Please list five personal traits** that you think describes me. (You can cite a couple of examples
from the attached list, if needed to get the conversation started.)
3. What would you consider to be my greatest strength?
4. Please list two to four personal or professional attributes that I possess that a potential
employer would view as an asset in the workplace.
5. Finally, please share what you think are the top five skills necessary for a successful
communication professional to possess.

Answer preview

This is an interview with a colleague from internship, Steve Biden

The period that the interviewee has known me: 1 year

  1. Please tell me what you consider to be my five most noteworthy skills and/or competencies

The most noteworthy skills I find in you are communication, team work, a good listener, negotiating and computer skills. By communicating, it means that one can easily understand and relate to the subject matter without deviating. Teamwork means the ability to work with other people harmoniously. As a good listener, it means that you pay attention before responding and, when negotiating, you provide convincing arguments. These are enhanced by ability to apply computer capabilities.

Word count: 705