Transcultural Issues in Contemporary Society


Transcultural Issues in Contemporary Society


Transcultural Paper* – Students select, read, reflect, and synthesize 4 journal articles as delineated below in Part A and write a 10-12 page paper (excluding references, tables, figures, and title page) following the grading criteria components detailed in Part B.              (30%)

Part A

1)         A journal article (not an editorial) from 1 of the 2 assigned journals. [Article 1]

2)         1 journal articles listed in the selected article’s reference list (Not an assigned article for    class) from #1 [Article 2]

3)         2 peer-reviewed journal articles NOT referenced in the selected journal article but                              published within the last 3 years AND related to the transcultural topic in article 1.

(Not an assigned article for class). [Article 3 and 4]

Part B – Follow APA guidelines. Use headings for each of the major sections of the paper components (except introduction). Use subheadings as appropriate.

Grading Criteria

  • Abstract (5 points)
  • Introduction (5 points)

Mention the general types of topics covered in your assigned 2 journal issues (do not list the titles, but succinctly report general topics). Discuss your rationale for selecting your article. (Be sure to mention the name of the journal, year, and journal’s issue number. (1 paragraph)

  • Critical thinking (5 points)

Discuss how the article: a) stimulated your critical thinking; and b) provided you with new learning (knowledge, skills, and awareness). Use specific examples and citations from the article. (1-2 paragraphs)

  • Reflective feelings (5 points)

Describe feelings evoked: a) as you were reading the article; and b) upon conclusion of the article. (See sample list of feelings on blackboard) Provide examples of places in the article that evoked different feelings (if applicable).  What effect did this have on your motivation and future actions about the topic? (1-2 paragraphs)

  • Application to course (10 points)

Discuss how the article: a) matched the course student learning outcomes and b) expanded upon course topics, readings, and assignments. Use specific examples and citations from the article and specific examples from the syllabus. (1-2 paragraphs)

  • Application to CNS or NP core competencies                           (16 points)
  1. a) Using the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist (NACNS) Core Competencies OR the NP Adult-Gerontology Acute Core Competencies (AACN), student will appraise the selected article for its timeliness and congruence with the core competencies and discuss the 3 core competencies most relevant to the selected article, explaining how they relate. b) Using the Cultural Competence Guidelines (Douglas, et al, 2014), student will appraise the selected article for its timeliness and congruence with the Guidelines and discuss the 1 most relevant Guideline to the selected article, explaining how they relate. Supplement with a table that follows the reference list, depicting up to 10 core competencies most relevant to the selected article and up to 3 Guidelines most relevant to the selected article (include the 3 core competencies and the 1 Guideline discussed in the narrative section plus any additional). Refer to the table within this narrative section. (2-3 paragraphs).
  • Application to national and global health goals (8 points)

Using the Healthy People (HP) 2020 Goals and the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) students will appraise the selected article for its timeliness and congruence with HP 2020 Goals and UN MDG, citing specific examples. (1-2 paragraphs)

  • Four article literature synthesis (see Part A above)                                            (16 points)

Critically synthesize the literature using:

  1. a) Selected journal article from assigned journal issue [article 1]
  2. b) 1 journal article referenced in the selected journal article [article 2]
  3. c) 2 peer-reviewed journal articles NOT referenced in the selected journal article but published within the last 3 years AND related to the transcultural topic from article 1.

[article 3 and 4]  (3-4 paragraphs)

  • Application to practice area and professional development (5 points)

Describe how the literature reviewed and the literature synthesis (4 articles) will enhance your current and future clinical practice and professional development. (Be sure to identify your current clinical practice role and setting and your future professional goals). (1-2 paragraphs).

  • References (5 points)

List references discussed and cited in your paper following APA format.

  • Table (10 points)
  • APA format (10 points)

Answer preview

The selected articles address cultural perspective of gender-based concerns in the African-American community. The selected article from the Journal of Transcultural Nursing issue number 1 (2016), explored the different ways in which African American women transform in terms of their sexual values and knowledge. This article was selected on the basis of its contribution to the understanding of morbidity in minority group such as Black women.   The design adopted was significant as it addresses the contemporary cultural themes in American minority groups. The purpose of the article is to demystify the perception that Black women are “strong”.

Word count: 3371