Types of Supervisors


Types of Supervisors


Organize a topic into categories and then provide examples of what characteristics fit into each category.

You may need to further subdivide these general topics in order to have a specific enough topic for your essay.

Regardless of the topic you choose, you will need to identify its classifications and provide enough evidence to prove that your classifications are correct. This evidence (details, reasons, and/or examples) needs to be corroborated by at least one other credible source.

Answer preview

Supervisors are the individuals that are in charge of a small group in the workplace and they are tasked in the managerial role of guiding the group. Supervisors are responsible for guiding the teams assigned to achieve the performance targets and regularly updating the team with the new objectives set by the companies. Supervisors are also tasked with resolving the workplace challenges and updating the management on the progress of different projects. There are different types of supervisors in the workplace and each of them are determined by their techniques of supervision.

Word count: 614