Uber Faces Federal Investigation Over Alleged Gender Discrimination
Uber Faces Federal Investigation Over Alleged Gender Discrimination
- How is Uber responding to the allegations of gender discrimination?
- What approach is the CEO at Uber taking to change the culture of the organization? What is his promise for the new culture?
- Why do you think Uber continues to struggle with allegations of ethical and potentially legal misconduct?
- Should the allegations of permissive chauvinism be taken seriously if only a few employees make accusations?
- If Uber is aggressively involved in diversity training, to thousands of employees globally, does this indicate that they have resolved any gender inequality issues?
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- The allegation of gender discrimination has moved Uber into creating a positive brand and image for the company, where the company has created a social awareness campaign that will help the company overcome the allegations of the gender discrimination (Bensinger, 2018). Moreover, the company has started a diversity training program that has sought to advance the cohesion and diversity among the employees across the globe.
- Uber Chief Executive Offer has taken upon himself to make a face to face appearance in order to improve the image of the company (Bensinger, 2018). The intention of the CEO is to shift the allegations and accusations that the company is facing to inform the public about the new culture.
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