Unaccompanied Children and US Immigration System


Unaccompanied Children (UAC) and the US Immigration System(Challenges and Reforms)


For this assignment, you will pull together the information from your Unit II and Unit IV assignments to use when writing your final research paper.

To begin, make sure you have the following:

  • title page,
  • your topic from Unit II,
  • your outline from Unit IV,
  • information from the four (or more) peer-reviewed, scholarly article on your topic that you used in Unit II, as well as any other sources you have identified, and
  • references for your sources.

Following your outline, write your final paper about your topic. Your research paper must be at least five (5) pages, double-spaced, not including your title and reference pages. Use APA style writing for in-text citations and references.


Here it is. Read the Unit VIII Research Task document to see what to do. You can go back and read the Unit II and IV documents and articles which are also attached. Unit II was selecting topic which was “immigration”, Unit IV was writing an outline for that topic, and now Unit VIII is writing Research Paper essay about this and what you learned on the topic “immigration”. Use the two attached articles and other extra sources for references

Answer preview

United States (U.S.) has been facing huge challenge in finding a long-term solution in dealing with the issue of increasing migration of unaccompanied children (UAC) into the country, particularly from the Central America nations (Chen & Gill, 2015). Some laws related to this issue have been successful, such as Deferred Action for Child Arrivals that offers socio-economic clearance for the UAC that came into the country as children but have grown into adulthood (Gladstone, 2016). However, the process of finding solution on the incoming UAC remains a biggest problem that the U.S. department of immigration has to deal with in findings ways to deport, reunify with parents or guardians, or offer permanent residence.

Word count: 1709