Understanding of the Processes of Memory


Understanding of the Processes of Memory


The other day, you had to remember some items for an important exam.  You are sure you studied them and knew them before you entered the classroom.  However, you drew a blank when you took the test.  What happened?  Explain using your understanding of the processes of memory. Why might you not have remembered then? What might you have done to avoid this? Explain.

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The human memory has a unique way of operating. The brain performs a mechanism in which information obtained is well processed to provide the same information in the future either immediate or on the long-term. The three phases involve memory processing these are encoding, memory stage, and retrieval phase (Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian, 2010). This means that these various aspects of memory determine the ability to retrieve the memory in the future. In the case of an exam, preparations were involved such as classroom work and revision at home. Hence, different aspects of memory processing were involved.

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