The United States Copyright Protection
Under current copyright law in the United States protections extend for the life of the author plus 50 years or 75 years for a work of corporate authorship. Copyright law has been extended many times over the years providing further and further protection for copyright holders. Review the attached article which discusses the last time copyright protections were extended in 1998. That update extended copyright protections out 20 years beyond where they were at the time, thus Congress will likely in the very near future again consider extending copyright protection.
Based upon your review of this week’s reading and the attached article and clearly state your opinion regarding US copyright law: Should further / lengthier copyright protections be extended to copyright holders or should the law remain as it is or even be shortened.
Support your argument in your paper by finding two outside references that relate to this issue.
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Creativity is considered as constantly developing progressively as opposed to blankness. Many authors consider inventiveness, ingenuity, and creativity as created upon previous works; long copyright protection makes such works inaccessible. Copyright protection law is formulated in such a way that it strikes a balance between private and public rights, spurring incentives for creativity and innovation and creating availability (Vaidhyanathan, 2003). Besides, long copyright terms ensure that innovations by others are not misused by others prior to receiving full benefits by the creator.
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