Using Humor to Cope with Stress


Using Humor to Cope with Stress


Set aside a minimum of 2 hours this week, see a funny movie (at the theatre, on TV, web or video) Write a short 3-5 paragraph summary and a 3-5 paragraph explanation of why comedy is a helpful stress coping mechanism using the resources in this week’s readings as well as your text.  Be sure to include cover and reference pages and make sure your assignment is in proper APA format.

Answer preview

About a century ago, Freud pointed out that humor helps humans cope with life stress. George vaillant reported in his book that humor was an effective mechanism used by professional men to deal with stress. The key idea is that one just needs to actively get humored so as to deal with the hassles and stresses in life. A good laugh has several long term and short term effects. First, it helps stimulate many organs (Morreall, 1997). The act of laughter itself makes it possible to take in tons of oxygen-rich fresh air which helps to make the heart, lungs and muscles a little activated.

Word count: 323