Using young blood to fight old age


Using young blood to fight old age


Find and include a minimum of one current event clipped from the popular media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) for each of the discussion topics listed on the syllabus. Popular media does not include scientific journals and periodicals. Write a  two page paper about the significance of the event and its relationship to the discussion topic.

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In 2014, researchers demonstrated that blood or blood components from a youthful mouse gas the ability of rejuvenating an aged mouse’s brain and muscles. If the outcomes remain true in human beings then factors in youth blood might provide the antidote to aging that humans have sought for many years. It is clear that there were experiments that were conducted many years ago in which researchers combined together the skins of two mice so as to join their circulation. This approach was reviewed in early 2000 in order to investigate stem cells. The findings of the research study disclosed that when they are joined the circulation of youthful and aged mice, the muscle stem cells in the aged mice had the ability to regenerate muscle (Huizer-Pajkos et al, 2014).

Word count: 643