Video Games in Asia


Discussions about video games in Asia and its impact on teenage gamers


You are expected to summarise what other scholars have said about video games in Asia, and what are its impact on youth (perhaps around the world). This is a traditional academic research essay, assessed equally on the quality of:

  • research from academic, peer reviewed, sources (including required readings but also going beyond them), and some evidence or case study
  • structure and clarity of communication (including appropriate referencing)

Answer preview

Video games and video gaming have become important influencers of popular culture and societies across the world (Groves & Anderson, 2015). According to Wong & Lam (2016), it is not hard to notice that video games have received a significant level of cultural approval as other popular modes despite being associated with Western culture. In Asia, video games have been considered as culture force, thanks to the global marketplace expansion due to the digitalization wave.  Indeed, Wolf (2004) asserted that ideas are increasingly entering the global marketplace, overcoming the traditional boundaries of industries confined to particular cultures and nationalities. While video gaming is widely accepted in Asia, teenagers are considered as the highest gamers.

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