Violence against women and girls


Violence against women and girls


In this weeks second reading- ‘End of mission statement  by Dubravka Šimonovi ,United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against women, its causes and consequences’, concerns are raised regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls. How is this particularly acute in the justice system? Refer to at least one other source which either supports or challenges Simonovi’s concerns. 150 words

Answer preview

Violence against women and girls is an issue that has affected many women in Australia, especially in the indigenous community. This problem has remained as such due to the lack of legal protections or policies that safeguard the rights of women.  Atkinson, (2007), stated that there is urgency that is needed in the formulation of policies that will protect the rights of women against any form of violence. The article by Atkinson further indicated that the highest number of women is likely to be killed through homicide from their partners.

Word count: 230