Volunteer Work (Report on Placement)


Volunteer Work (Report on Placement)


Write a 2000-word report on placement.
Reflect on the following topics:
• the community of people that they helped to serve during Page 9 of 9 the placement
• the kinds of disadvantage observed, and/or the client needs addressed during the placement
• possible connections between the activities undertaken in the placement and theoretical ways of understanding community engagement issues
• suggestions for improving community engagement in the Placement Organisation
• the impact of the placement on the student’s own values, assumptions and attitudes relating to ethical workplace practice and social responsibility
• the skills developed through the placement
• The report needs to cover all sections that is requested and would require subheadings, table of content and a minimum of 10 references.

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Volunteering provides important assistance to individuals in need, meaningful causes and the community, but the advantages might even be greater for the volunteer. It is clear that volunteering and assisting others might assist the volunteer reduce stress, fight depression, keep an individual mentally enthused and offer a sense of resolution. It is true that the more an individual engages in volunteer work, the more benefits the individual will experience. Most of the studies have shown that helping other people kindles happiness (Helpguide.org, 2018, P. 1). In essence, people need to consider volunteering since it is associated with many benefits that improve life in addition to making an individual happier.

Word count: 2440