We Are What We Eat

We Are What We Eat


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We Are What We Eat: A journal


Every person should ensure what they put in their body is ‘clean’ but unfortunately, this is not always the case for a majority of Americans. David Katz asserts that man is what he eats. He jocularly challenges people for being sceptical about that fact when he posits;

“…most of us probably don’t quite believe it. After all, you’ve had French fries and didn’t sprout French fry antennae.”

In the article, Katz asserts that research has proven that nutrients from the foods one consumes manufacture and mould the body’s cell composition, blood, hormones and bone marrow. With this in mind, in reading Katz Mom was Right: You are what you eat and one reflects and describes what they eat regularly, or what their last meal, beverage or product might have been to establish their body composition then the experience can be extremely eye-opening depending on one’s eating habits.