Website Project Report


Website Project Report


10 Pages in APA style with 15 sources.

For this website project report, write a literature review, about 3000 words. Research about HTML, database, how websites work etc.

Answer preview

Basically, there are two types of websites; dynamic websites and static or non-dynamic websites. A non-dynamic site is a simple site that does not undergo any change with a click of a button or when the site is newly loaded onto a browser. The static pages always adorn the same look in terms of content. Contrary, dynamic pages change with every loading, and can change content with differing actions from the user. Database driven websites are dynamic websites that use databases for storage of information that can be dynamically accessed, updated or even deleted (Mischook, 2016). This data is accessed through the website without necessarily uploading additional pages (Magain, 2009).

Word count: 2763