



Write literature review for a website project.

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Care homes, in general, allow and provide for access to specialized medical care and
nursing interventions for the elderly. They also provide therapist services’ referrals and
secondary care when needed. Delivery of the right services, in terms of quality, to these homes is
very vital. There are various processes involved in making this objective a reality. Some of the
essential services are finding and dispatching general practitioners to pay visits to such homes,
finding and creating specialist teams, searching for outreach services for professionals who need
to assist the elderly and many more. These processes required seamless communication between
various stakeholders (Goodman et al., 2014). Running a good website, hence, simplifies such a
process as all the relevant information and communication procedures can be embedded into the
system, which can be accessed from anywhere. This literature review focuses on creation of a
good website for the purposes of an elderly care home.

Word count: 3215